Senin, 07 Agustus 2017

Light a candle

What a candle in the life of ? maybe this too questionable .for , Wax only a small object .its usefulness new product when an electric a lamp in our home extinguished .but , Wax is light .and light is a form  matter .conversely was dark .the latter is not material .he has no power .he was state of being vacuous light .therefore , Although tiny , wax always have chased dark 

God example  a clue with light , straying as a dark .Hinting this , straying forces does not have an iota strength before light troops .He was present when light troops disappeared .Throughout history , the people of our experience straying when “symbol of the movement of a wheel dakwah“ stopped moving .

Here implied a rules dakwah propaganda .That dark covering the heavens our lives , could actually are rejected easy , if we want to candlelight the symbol of this back .Stop clucking dark .He anyway intangible and helpless .We do not need to call the sun to drive them out .Not also of the moon .

Nothing that can be we resolve with curses .Same as not 're useful , lamentation in front of a disaster .Unfortunate , ignorance , the defeats now rampant all over the Islamic  world we , no need to “ in islah“ with curses or lamentation .For both the act was not show attitude “ijabiyah“ ( positive ) in the face of reality . “ it would be more profitable ignite a bar of a candle than curse the darkness “

Attitude ijabiyah require us to create the presence of which balanced by the presence of the phenomenon of ignorance in the stage life .It might not be us finish in an instant .But mental attitude believe that the minimum , that must be etched in our souls , is to throw a desire to surrender or eschewed .The fact the worst though , may not exceed such large capacity lives and our faith of yours .

Here are a teaching the great.That it is time dispose of our a tendency disparaging potential ourselves.When we offer a charity very small, when we must raising our souls for the results of adequate.For charity in a, for he is good, will inspire us to do things that are larger.Ibnulqayyim said, the way of good, will invite it was do “ brethren”  the way of it.

Finally , shut your eyes and light a candle , ago: “ say , has come the truth .Behold falsehood  it would have to be was lost “ .

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